Butterfly Valve Types MTV/MTVF, Somas©, DN80 – DN500 / 3’’’-20’’
High Performance Butterfly Valve, Triple eccentric seat design, Wafer) or Lug. Application for Control or On-/Off-Valve, with soft or metallic seat design available. With Hand Lever, Gear box or automated with pneumatic or electric Actuator. Operating Temperature range max. 350°C (depending on material and pressure class).

- Type: Butterfly Valve MTV/MTVF
- Design: Wafer or Lug type
- Sizes: DN80 – DN500 / 3’’ – 20’’
- Pressure class: DIN PN10/25 | ANSI cl.150, 300
- Body Material: Stainless Steel 1.4408/A351 CF8M
- Seat Ring: PTFE, PTFE53, Metall, Others on request
- Leakage Class: PTFE-EN60534-4 cl.V | Metal seat EN60534-4 cl.V